Metcash’s Convenience division provides a ‘one wholesale solution’ for more than 90,000 customers nationwide including; forecourt retail, convenience businesses, small coffee shops, fresh food outlets and restaurants.  Within days of the global situation affecting the Australian public, traffic on the Metcash Campbells website grew exponentially.

“Our site almost fell over, we contacted Ultra Commerce and within 30 minutes they had our site scaled and stable.”
-David Williams, GM Solution Delivery Metcash

Thanks to a fast-acting response from Ultra Commerce, the Campbells website was scaled with additional capacity and immediately stabilized.  The Campbells website continues to experience high activity, while the page load time has decreased significantly.

“We really appreciated your support on this one – under crisis you were there immediately and solved the challenges quickly.”

Below is the graph demonstrating a significantly high page load time prior to extra capacity allocated.

Below is a graph demonstrating the immediate decreased page load response times after extra capacity allocated.

Metcash’s Campbells website has benefited significantly as a result of the Ultra Commerce BYOL solution.

Learn more about Ultra Commerce BYOL or Speak with Us to talk about your digital commerce challenges.